The story so far

I PACKED THIS MYSELF is a project working with migrant workers and local communities in Cornwall, which started in 2006. The aim: to break down prejudice and increase understanding

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

News coverage the day after...

Yesterday's story was shocking - 27 Vietnamese brought in a delapidated yacht into Newlyn by people smugglers.
You'd think that there would be widespread press coverage of the case today as it is such an appalling story.  A 16-year prison sentence overall for the four men who did this doesn't sound much: they'll spend about half of this time actually in prison.
But - in fact - there isn't much coverage. This story is commonplace enough not to make national headlines in any significant way.
The Guardian  - Four jailed over 'cattle-like' Cornwall people-smuggling operation ... Whoever ran the operation overall remains unknown and at large, according to the report.
There's a short piece on BBC Cornwall -  Men jailed after 29 immigrants found in van
And the west country ITV report is interesting as it has a spokesman for the anti-slavery movement explaining just how common this is .... Four men jailed after smuggling people 'like cattle' into Newlyn