The story so far

I PACKED THIS MYSELF is a project working with migrant workers and local communities in Cornwall, which started in 2006. The aim: to break down prejudice and increase understanding

Sunday 30 May 2010

Reminders of Cornish migration

Bank Holiday weekend in west Cornwall. Still not much sign of the sun. For the first time for ages walk around the graveyard at Crowan. In our I Packed This Myself workshops, we have often mentioned the fact that the Cornish are no strangers to migration - and all its challenges. Thousands of Cornish people left Cornwall for California, South Africa and Australia when the tin and copper mining industry collapsed in the 19th century.
It's a beautiful time of year.  But sad to think that so many of these journeys ended overseas. The mortality rate was high.
This miner died at Gold Hill, Nevada.

And these long dead relatives of mine very far from home .  Thomas Roberts aged 40 in California and his son, aged 21, on his passage to New Granada in 1853. New Granada, where there were important silver mines, subsequently became modern day Colombia.